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Our Price: $8.25
Evolvulus glomeratus
Light: Full Sun
Temperature: Annual
Watering: They are drought tolerant but prefer regular waterings
Soil: Well drain soil
Comments: This plant is great for beginners or the busy gardener. This plant can pretty much take care of itself! No pest problems but if it gets overcrowded or over-watered this will cause root rot.
Herb Description
Evolvulus 'Blue Daze' also known as Dwarf Morning Glory has been one of our favorite flowers for sun since the early days. This popular annual for sun is a low spreading plant with grey-green foliage and nickel-sized true blue morning glory flowers which bloom non-stop throughout summer and fall.
Use Evolvulus as an unusual groundcover or in hanging baskets - the blue flower works really well with almost any other companion flowering plant.