Basil 'Lemon Sweet Dani'

    Zones: Annual
    Exposure: Full Sun
    Mature Size: 30"H x 12"S
    Bloom: White, Summer-Fall
    Pot Size: 3.25”
    Availability: Ships within 7-10 Business Days
    • NON-GMO
    • Chimical free
    • 100% Guarantee
    • Culinary
    • Medicinal
    • Aroma
    • Container
    • Pollinator
    • Indoor
    • Lemon Sweet Dani Basil Plants for Sale

      Ocimum basilicum

      Herb Growing Tips

      Light:  Full sun

      Temperature:  Annual

      Watering:  Keep soil moist, do not let soil get too dry.

      Soil: Lightwell drained soil. If need you can use Plant Feed once a month. 

      Comments: never prune more than 50% of your plant's leaves, this could cause too much stress on your basil plant. Continuous trimming avoids these annuals going to seed; allowing your plant to focus more on producing foliage than blooms! 

      Herb Description

      We have a great selection of culinary herbs and makes a terrific ingredient in recipes that call for basil or lemon flavored herbs. Try using 'Sweet Dani' in fruit salads and with fish.

      Basil 'Lemon Sweet Dani' is a tall, upright basil plant with high yields. The light, olive-green leaves have a distinctly sweet lemon flavor and scent. This is a must for the basil lover. A beautiful and fragrant ornamental plant, this strain of basil also has a long life as a flowering addition to the garden. 'Lemon Sweet Dani' is a fast growing hybrid basil so plant in full sun and harvest often to keep from going to flower.

      Basil is a great natural pest repellent for everything from aphids to mosquitoes, and its beautiful blooms also attract beneficial pollinators to your garden. Also a great companion plant for many vegetable crops, Basil is a must have for your garden!

    • Ocimum basilicum

      Characteristics: Basil is one the easiest and most popular traditional culinary herbs! This tasty favorite is an annual, and will grow well in just about every zone. Be sure to plant outside only when night temperatures reach 50 to 55 degrees or above.
      Light: Basil needs a lot of light, but will benefit from a little shade during the hottest part of the day.
      Water: Water basil when it is dry to the touch, without over-watering.
      Soil: Basil likes rich, well-drained soil and will grow best in soil enhanced with well-composted manure.
      Use: Try adding a few leaves of Lemon Sweet Dani to your next fish recipe for a refreshing zing.

      Basil is also a fantastic natural pest repellent and companion plant for your home and garden!

      Basil is a wonderful plant to plant near your kitchen windows or doorways, not just for its use in your favorite dishes, but because this culinary herb has terrific natural pest repellent properties! Said to effectively keep house flies and mosquitoes away, planting Basil near entryways to your home, rubbing it on your skin and clothing, and planting it around your yard and patio will help reduce the amount of unwanted summer pests. Planting it in your garden will also keep destructive pests like Thrips, white flies, and aphids away from neighboring plants. Basil blooms are also very attractive to butterflies and other useful pollinators.

      Basil is said to increase the health and flavor of many vegetables like asparagus, bell peppers, cabbage and especially tomato plants when companion planted together. For best results, do not plant Sage or Rue near your Basil, as this is said to inhibit the plant's growth and flavor. Instead, grow Chamomile near your Basil plants to encourage its success.

      Click here to learn more about these refreshing herbs!


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