Fall is the BEST Time to Grow Herbs!

    A Time to Plant, Fall Herb Gardening

    As we bid farewell to the sweltering days of summer, it's time to embrace the cooler, more pleasant autumn. And what better way to do that than by planting your very own herb garden?

    Let's face it – spring might be all about new beginnings and colorful blooms, but it can also be a bit of a drama queen, with its mood swings and unexpected frosts. On the other hand, Fall is like the "calm and collected" sister who knows how to keep her cool. The cooler days and air temperatures are like a breath of fresh air for plants, allowing them to grow strong and healthy roots without breaking a sweat. And let's not forget about us gardeners – harvesting herbs in the gentle autumn sun is a pure joy compared to the sweat-inducing labor of mid-summer gardening.

    Now, I don't know about you, but I'm tired of battling the pests, diseases, and relentless weeds that come with gardening in the peak of summer. Give me the calm, pest-free days of autumn any time! Sure, there might be a few pesky mosquitos to contend with, but I'll take them over the mid-summer nuisances any day.

    So, as we gear up to grow a bountiful fall crop, let's not underestimate the power of this season. Many culinary herbs thrive in the Fall, and planting them now sets them up for success in the coming seasons. The anticipation of a fall harvest is a thrill in itself, and it's just the beginning. You'll also be setting the stage for a productive spring and summer crop. It's like getting a head start on next year's garden – talk about a win-win!

    So take a moment to peruse our wide variety of herb plants and consider the abundant possibilities of fall gardening. Embrace the best time of the year for gardening, and join us in planting a vibrant, thriving herb garden this Fall!