Herb Plants for Zone 4

    Blue Star 'Blue Ice'
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    Chives, Garlic
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    Chives $9.50
    Catnip 'Lemon'
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    Betony $9.50
    Cardinal Flower
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    Lemon Balm
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    Lemon Balm $9.50
    Stachys 'Lambs Ear'
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    Hyssop $9.50
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    Lovage $10.25
    Catmint 'Walker's Low'
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    Rudbeckia 'Prairie Sun'
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    Mugwort $9.50
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    Horehound $9.50
    Germander 'Upright'
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    Germander 'Upright' $5.00 $9.50
    Hypericum perforatum
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    Hypericum perforatum $5.00 $9.50
    Sorrel 'Blonde de Lyon'
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    Marshmallow $5.00 $9.50
    Echinacea purpurea 'Magnus'
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    Mint 'Mountain'
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    Chervil $9.50
    Sorrel 'Bloody Dock'
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    Foxglove 'Foxy'
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    Tansy $5.00 $9.50
    Salad Burnet
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    Salad Burnet $9.50
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    Catmint $9.50
    Broadleaf Plantain
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    Woad $9.50
    Thyme 'French'
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    Thyme 'English'
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    Mint 'Chocolate'
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    Mignonette 'Machet'
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    Chamomile 'Roman'
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    Skullcap $10.25
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    Yarrow $9.50
    Mint 'Orange'
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    Catnip $9.50
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    Alfalfa $8.25
    Butterfly Flower
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    Golden Chamomile
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    Clary Sage
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    Clary Sage $9.50
    Coreopsis 'Route 66'
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    Coreopsis, Lanceleaf
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    Elecampane $9.50
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    Chicory $9.50
    Blue Cardinal Flower
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    Cutleaf Coneflower
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    Swamp Milkweed
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    Rudbeckia 'Goldsturm'
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    Zone 4 is part of the USDA Plant Hardiness Zone Map, which divides the United States into segments based on average annual minimum temperatures. These zone divisions provide official guidance on what plants can survive and thrive in specific regions.

    Zone 4's climate is characterized by chilly temperatures, often dipping below freezing during winter months and a shorter growing season. It covers northern parts of the U.S., including Montana, North Dakota, Minnesota, Wisconsin and Maine.

    Gardeners in Zone 4 face unique challenges due to the colder climate. Therefore, choosing herbs that have adapted to withstand the icy temperatures is essential.

    Our Top Picks for Zone 4 Herbs

    Below, we have handpicked the best perennial herbs in Zone 4. These plants have proven their resilience, adaptability and ability to withstand the cold. So if you are looking for the best options to include in your garden, the following selection is sure to inspire you:

    Blue Star

    Blue Star is a stunning herbaceous perennial that adds a touch of elegance to any Zone 4 garden. It features delicate clusters of star-shaped blue flowers that bloom in late spring or early summer, attracting pollinators like butterflies and bees. Blue Star thrives in well-drained soil and prefers full sun to partial shade. It is one of the most highly tolerant Zone 4 plants and can withstand even the coldest winters.

    Garlic Chives

    Garlic Chive is a herb that adds a delightful flavor to your culinary creations and exhibits ornamental value with its attractive white flowers. This perennial herb belongs to the onion family and is known for its distinctive garlic-like taste and aroma. It’s one of the most preferred Zone 4 herbs as it is relatively low maintenance. 


    Skullcap is a herbaceous perennial that offers medicinal benefits and aesthetic appeal. This herb is revered for its unique flowers and attractive foliage. Skullcap is generally a low-maintenance herb, making it suitable for gardeners of all experience levels. It is relatively easy to grow and can adapt to various soil conditions. Once established, it requires minimal care, making it a convenient addition to any garden.


    Catnip is among the most popular perennial herbs in Zone 4 for pet lovers. It is famous for its attractive, aromatic leaves and small, lavender-colored blooms. Besides its reputation for attracting and entertaining cats, catnip is also utilized in herbal remedies. It can be brewed into tea or used in natural insect repellents.


    Want to add dimension to your garden? Then you can't go wrong with planting Lovage. With its tall stems, large dark-green leaves and clusters of yellow flowers, it will surely make a striking statement in your yard. This herb thrives in rich, moist soil and benefits from full sun to partial shade. It can withstand cold weather without issue.


    Tarragon is a widely-known culinary herb that is used for its licorice-like taste. It is a staple in French cuisine and pairs exceptionally well with poultry, fish and vegetables. But aside from its use in cooking, tarragon is one of the most attractive Zone 4 herbs that will surely add interest in any garden space. With its slender, dark-green leaves and occasional small white flowers, tarragon adds a touch of elegance to beds, borders or containers. 


    If you are looking for perennial herbs in Zone 4 that are easy to grow, then you should try mint. It features vibrant green leaves and produces small flowers in white, pink or purple shades. Mint is also known for its vigorous growth. Therefore, growing them in containers or designated areas is often recommended to prevent them from overtaking other plants in the garden. But the characteristic that makes this plant stand out is its flavor, as it adds freshness to any recipe.

    FAQs About Zone 4 Plants

    Can herbs survive in the lowest temperatures of Zone 4?

    Yes, many herbs can withstand the lowest temperatures of Zone 4. However, it's essential to choose herbs that are specifically suited to colder climates. Certain herbs, like thyme, sage, rosemary and oregano, are remarkably tolerant to freezing environments. 

    What is the best cover crop in Zone 4?

    Cover crops are beneficial for improving soil health and preventing erosion. In Zone 4, some cover crops that perform well include winter rye, hairy vetch, crimson clover and field peas. These crops can help add organic matter, fix nitrogen in the soil and provide ground cover during winter.

    How much sun do Zone 4 plants need?

    The amount of sun needed for Zone 4 plants varies depending on the specific herb. However, as a general guideline, most plants thrive in full sun, requiring at least six hours of direct sunlight per day. Some herbs, like basil and dill, appreciate even more sun exposure.

    What is the fastest-growing herb in Zone 4?

    Several Zone 4 herbs exhibit relatively fast growth rates. Among them, cilantro (coriander) is known for its rapid growth. Cilantro leaves can be harvested within a few weeks after planting, making it an excellent choice for gardeners looking for a fast-developing herb. Other fast-growing herbs in Zone 4 include dill, chives and parsley.

    Please Note: We sell plants online, NOT seeds. Our plants are well rooted and ready to plant - our standard pot is 3.5 inches. After you buy, we will ship our plants when they are ROOT READY. They will have good top growth unless they are coming into or out of dormancy. We grow all of our plants to the point that they are ready to go into the ground or a container.

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