
    Anise Hyssop

    Zones: 5-10
    Exposure: Full to Part Sun
    Mature Size: 36"H x 25"S
    Bloom: Purple, Mid Summer - Mid Fall
    Pot Size: 3.25”
    Availability: SHIPS IN SPRING
    • NON-GMO
    • Chimical free
    • 100% Guarantee
    • Culinary
    • Medicinal
    • Deer Resistant
    • Aroma
    • Pollinator
    • Cut
    • Native
    • Anise Hyssop Plants For Sale

      Agastache foeniculum

      Herb Growing Tips

      Light:  Full sun, a southern exposure. 

      Temperature:  Herbaceous perennial hardy in Zones 5 to 10

      Watering:  Water when the soil becomes visually dry or the plant is showing wilt then thoroughly saturate until some water trickles from the bottom of the pot. Growing in a clay pot will help ensure a healthy root system. 

      Soil: Anise Hyssop does best in well drained soil, but is not picky about soil quality. No need to build up high organic matter with compost or fertilize regularly. 

      Comments:  Anise Hyssop (also known as Licorice Mint) dies back to the ground in winter and emerges again in early spring. It blooms almost all summer and will freely seed itself if not pruned. Small birds love the seeds. Anise Hyssop is a great plant for the summer gardens with showy blooms and aromatic foliage.


      Herb Description

      A member of the Mint family, this is an easy to grow and drought tolerant perennial that can take the summer heat. Anise Hyssop is one of the most versatile herb plants we grow and perfect for any type of herb gardening. 

      Anise Hyssop is an attractive plant for the bees that produces abundant nectar which yields a light fragrant honey. Anise Hyssop is also an  aromatic herb with strong anise-scented foliage. This herb plant is delightful for tea or as culinary seasoning and makes a gorgeous ornamental producing showy purple flowers.

      As a  culinary herb, the leaves should be harvested close to when they are about to flower. They can be dried and stored in glass jars. Flowers are edible and used in salads, drinks and desserts.

      According to Stephen Orr, author of  The New American Herbal, these plants were important sources of both nutrition and medicine for many Native American tribes including the Apache, Mojave and Comanche tribes.

      We also grow traditional  Hyssop plants, which are nice shrubby evergreens that love to bloom.

      Use Them

      The lovely purple flower spikes are edible, with the sweet flower of anise. A great addition to fruit salads. In our gardens, these plants are extremely attractive to bees and we are using them as a means of fighting the devastating effects of CCD. Please read about our efforts!




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