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Apium graveolens
Light: Full-Part Sun
Temperature: Perennial for zones 5-11
Watering: Give your plant a deep watering when it is dry to the touch.
Soil: Well drain soil
Comments: Trim this tenacious tender perennial's leaves often to encourage flavorful new growth. Though winter hardy, this anise flavored herb will grow well in pots or containers indoors and can be easily transplanted to the garden in the spring!
Known as Leaf Celery or French Celery
This is a leafy, aromatic herb that can be substituted for celery in dishes if you want to add flavor without the stringy fibers. Often mistaken for flat-leafed Parsley, Cutting Celery has a dark, glossy leaf with a serrated edge and small sprig-like stalks. The leaves and stems can be used to add flavor to salads, vegetables, stews and soups.
Related to the carrot family, this flavorful culinary herb packs a punch of taste into its slender stems and delicate leaves. Just a few sprigs of this savory herb will replace the taste of an entire bunch of store-bought celery.
Apium graveolens
Characteristics: Cutting celery is often confused with parsley or lovage, but has a distinct celery flavor. It is used in recipes where its stalky cousin wouldn't be suitable.
Light: Cutting celery will thrive in full sun to partial shade.
Water: Give your plant a deep watering when it is dry to the touch.
Soil: Cutting celery likes well-drained soil.
Use: Harvest cutting celery like you would parsley- trim stalks around the outside of the bunch, allowing inner young shoots time to grow. Both stems and leaves pull their weight as a delicious culinary herb. It does not dry well so use fresh as needed.