Perovskia 'Russian Sage'

    Zones: 5-9
    Exposure: Full Sun
    Mature Size: 4'H x 30"S
    Bloom: Blue Violet, Late Spring - Fall
    Pot Size: 3.25”
    Availability: IN STOCK
    • NON-GMO
    • Chimical free
    • 100% Guarantee
    • Deer Resistant
    • Aroma
    • Container
    • Pollinator
    • Perovskia 'Russian Sage' Plants For Sale

      Perovskia atriplicifolia

      These perennial flowers have light-colored, lacy foliage and violet flowers that accent the pinks, purples, pale yellows, whites, and greens to their best advantage. Russian Sage are spectacular perennials for sun when used among lower mounded perennials, such as asters.

      Russian Sage is extremely valuable for its long season of bloom in the summer garden. This lovely ornamental forms a bushy upright clump of lacy grayish leaves that are very fragrant. Spikes of rich violet-blue flowers appear in high summer, continuing into late fall. 'Russian Sage' is an extremely versatile garden plant and loves hot, sunny sites. Perovskia is at home among shrubs, as a perennial border, and even in containers or tubs. Attractive to bees and butterflies. Prune in spring to no lower than 6 inches. We also have a variety of aromatic sage plants that are great for cooking.
    • Perovskia atriplicifolia
      Characteristics: A beautiful semi-woody ornamental, valued for its lacy foliage and violet flowers.
      Light: This is a very versatile garden plant that loves hot, sunny gardens.
      Water: Water when dry. Perovskia will tolerate some drought, and is a very successful garden plant in southern gardens, thriving through their long, hot summers.
      Soil: This is a very easy plant to grow. It will tolerate poor soil and a range of pH.
      Use: Use as a perennial border, among shrubs, or even in containers for those with limited garden space. We like to see Perovskia teamed with whites and yellows. Beautiful!
      Extras: Prune back to about 6" in early spring, before new growth starts.

    • This is a great plant - a long blooming perennial with long spikes of silvery-blue flowers that accent silver-gray spicy foliage. This workhorse will flower for almost two months from the summer into the fall, and grows into a semi-woody shrub that thrives in full sun.

      Don't cut this perennial back further than 12" after frost in the fall, and leave some stem buds for next year's growth. A great plant that is both drought tolerant and deer resistant, and a great choice for hot, dry climates. This perennial for sun does not like 'wet feet'! In order to get a full, bushy plant start pinching back about 1/2" when the plants reach a foot tall.

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