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Lavandula x intermedia 'Provence'
Light: Full sun-lavenders
Temperature: Hardiness Zones 5-9
Watering: Like most Lavenders, 'Provence' is drought tolerant and doesn't need much water. Over watering is one of the biggest mistakes made with this plant, as they are easily susceptible to root rot or disease if they remain moist for too long. well but allow to dry between watering. Once established, lavenders will not require a lot of water.
Soil: This is the most important factor in success - your soil must be loose and drains well - you can always add a bit of sand or cactus soil to the mix but if you grab a handful of soil, squeeze it and it remains a tight ball, it's not going to drain!
Comments: Good circulation is vital as lavenders cannot tolerate damp and humid conditions. They need a lot of room to grow and they need a lot of air moving around them to avoid excess moisture which will lead to rot. Lavender is a must have and easy to grow. We have created a wonderful blog on 'How To Grow Lavenders Successfully'!
Lavender 'Provence', a wonderfully fragrant herb, grows quickly and produces buds that are easily removed for potpourri making . This aromatic herb is a Lavadin, or English Lavender Hybrid. As an ornamental herb, it blooms profusely, smells great and grows larger and faster than many others. Considered one of the more "rugged" varieties, 'Provence' is drought tolerant and does not need much water to thrive.
A wonderfully soothing scent, Provence Lavender is used in many candles, cosmetics, perfumes and Aromatherapy products. This particular variety is named for the Provence region in France, where the majority of Lavender supply and production come from.
Deer resistant and low maintenance once it is established, 'Provence' makes a great edge plant for a garden. Quick to grow, this variety of Lavender fills out nicely, providing ample blooms to attract beneficial pollinators to your garden. Similar to 'Hidcote' Lavender in terms of habit and care, yet because it is a hybrid, 'Provence' will produce either sterile or no seed at all, so propagation must be done by cuttings.