Morning Glory 'Heavenly Blue'

    Zones: Annual
    Exposure: Full Sun
    Mature Size: 10'H x 6'S
    Bloom: Blue, Summer
    Pot Size: 3.25”
    Availability: IN STOCK
    • NON-GMO
    • Chimical free
    • 100% Guarantee
    • Deer Resistant
    • Butterfly
    • Heavenly Blue Morning Glory Plants For Sale

      Ipomoea violacea

      Herb Growing Tips

      Light:  Full sun

      Temperature:  Annual

      Watering:  Regular watering throughout the season but once establish they are drought tolerant

      Soil: well drained soil

      Herb Description

      The 'Heavenly Blue' Morning Glory plant, or commonly known as "Grannyvine" is a favorite garden climber. This plant has been grown for generations and continues to be loved for its sky blue trumpet-like flowers and creamy white throats. This fast and easy to grow old-fashioned vine is perfect to quickly cover a fence or mailbox and will grace your garden with its flowers all summer long. Use 'Heavenly Blue' to cover unsightly objects in your yard like utility boxes or try training them upward--they'll grow on anything!

      These little phonograph-shaped blooms thrive in full sun but will stay open longer if introduced to partial shade. Typical blooming begins and ends in the early morning or near sunset. In warmer zones these are considered tender perennials, but no matter where they bloom, hummingbirds and butterflies will go crazy for their large, profuse flowers.

      Indole alkaloid toxins contained in the plant's seeds produce a hallucinogenic when eaten in large quantities. Other side effects also include nausea, vomiting, drowsiness and numbness in extremities. Due to the toxic nature of their seeds, they should not be ingested.

      Because of their aggressive self seeding, high yields and very quick growth, 'Heavenly Blue', like most relatives in its family, is considered highly invasive. A member of the United States Federal Noxious Weed list, this variety of Morning Glory and many others are highly restricted in some states.

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