Basil 'Pesto Perpetuo'

    Zones: 9-11
    Exposure: Full Sun
    Mature Size: 36-48"H x 15" S
    Pot Size: 3.25”
    Availability: IN STOCK
    • NON-GMO
    • Chimical free
    • 100% Guarantee
    • Culinary
    • Container
    • Basil Pesto Perpetuo Plants for Sale

      Ocimum basilicum citriodorum

      Herb Growing Tips

      Light:  Full sun

      Temperature:  Annual

      Watering:  Keep soil moist, do not let soil get too dry.

      Soil: Lightwell drained soil. If need you can use Plant Feed once a month. 

      Comments: never prune more than 50% of your plant's leaves, this could cause too much stress on your basil plant. Continuous trimming avoids these annuals going to seed; allowing your plant to focus more on producing foliage than blooms! 

      Herb Description

      Our newest basil introduction is a striking plant!

      Basil 'Pesto Perpetuo' is a wonderful culinary basil with the distinct basil flavor and a hint of lemon. A lovely plant that grows light green leaves with creamy variegation with a columnar growth habit. Very unusual for a basil and this is definitely an eye-catcher!

      This basil is easy to grow, and insects and diseases seem to ignore it! It's a prolific basil so you can expect great yields.

      Basil is also a fantastic companion plant and natural pest repellent


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