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Nepeta cataria spp. citriodora
Light: Full -Part Sun
Temperature: Herbaceous perennial hardy in Zones 3 to 9
Watering: Water daily until established in it's new home, then they are drought tolerant!
Soil: Well drain soil
Comments: This plant can be invasive to avoid this remove the flowers before they go to seed.
As a medicinal herb, a cup of Lemon Catnip tea will make a great sleeping aid as well as help in digestion.
Catnip is a potent natural pest repellent against mosquitoes, ants, cockroaches, termites, fleas and Japanese beetles, as well as mice, rats and weevils. The American Chemical Society found Catnip to be ten times more effective at repelling mosquitoes than the commercial chemical DEET, which is found in most brand name insect sprays.
As potent at repelling unwanted insects and pests, its beautiful blooms are a magnet for attracting butterflies and honeybees. Also a beneficial companion plant when planted near gourds and beets, Catnip is a vigorous grower that will also do well in containers, or as a border plant, to keep your kitties on the outside of your garden.