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Our Price: $9.50
Tanacetum vulgare
Light: Full sun to part Shade
Temperature: Herbaceous perennial hardy in Zones 3 to 8
Watering: likes to be on the drier side but soil can remind moist.
Soil: Well drained soil, but is not picky about soil quality.
Comments: This plant preferers moist to humid soils; this allows the rhizomes of this plant to spread easier. If the planting in a restricted space where this plant can not spread to maximum potential it's suggested to keep the plant on the drier side.
This perennial grows and spreads by rhizomes and looks like a fern with cute yellow blooms that appear in the summer. While Tansy does have historical medicinal uses, most of the concoctions were made to repel something from the body due to the toxic chemical thujone found in this plant.
Today, Tansy is widely used as an insect repellent in the garden or as a potted plant for your patio. We are proud to offer Tansy plants for sale.