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Our Price: $10.25
Santolina chamaecyparissus tomentosa
Herb Growing Tips
Light: Full sun to part Shade
Temperature: Herbaceous Perennial in Zones 6 to 9
Watering: Drought-Tolerant once established, over watering can lead to root rot.
Soil: A plant that can tolerate most soils it does need well drain soil.
Comments: A sun loving plant for mild summers but high humidity climates can lead to fungal issues.
Herb Description
Santolina plants are an easy to maintain evergreen shrubs. Their unique silver-grey foliage, allows the yellow blooms to pop! This plant looks great when planted together with other Mediterranean herbs; Lavender Plants, Thyme Plants and Rosemary Plants. In need of a Xeriscape Landscape, all these herbs will work!
Lavender Cotton Santolina is a great companion plant! It helps deter moths, rabbits and deer. Want a natural insecticide, this is your herb plant! Other uses include dried arrangements, wreaths and potpourris. Lavender Cotton is also a wonderful perennial border for any garden bed and can create a massed ground cover.