Sorrel 'Bloody Dock'

    Zones: 4-9
    Exposure: Full to Part Sun
    Mature Size: 18"H X 18"S
    Bloom: Late Spring to Early Fall
    Pot Size: 3.25”
    Availability: IN STOCK
    • NON-GMO
    • Chimical free
    • 100% Guarantee
    • Sorrel 'Bloody Dock' Plants

      Rumex sanguineus

      If you are looking for a added zing to any dish, look no further. The flavor has been described as a 'Tangy Spinach' - says it all!

      This culinary herb as well as an 'edible ornamental', Bloody Dock Sorrel is a wonderful addition to salads and soups. The young leaves will add a lemony flavor to salads, and the flavorful leaves add a depth to any stew or soup. It is a wonderful accompaniment. If you want a Sorrel without the red, we also offer Sorrel 'Blonde de Lyon'.

      An upright grower with bright green elongated leaves with lovely veining in burgundy purple. As an herb, continually harvest and never let the plant flower. It will grow from early spring to fall. It likes rich, moist soil and is considered deer resistant.

      As an ornamental, it grows like a hosta and is a lovely addition to any garden bed. It is especially striking in containers or potted up with flowering annuals.

      Sorrel is high in Vitamin C and A, as well as a source of Iron and Potassium. Sorrel kept many people from contracting scurvy during harsh winters where fruits and other vegetables were scarce. It is also considered an antiseptic and an astringent! Because of it's high oxalic acid count, don't eat if you are prone to kidney stones!
    • Rumex sanguineus

      Characteristics: Sorrel is a large succulent culinary herb essential to French cooking. Large green leaves have a very nice lemon flavor and compliment soups, stews, and fish. It is very easy to grow. A gorgeous addition to any container garden.
      Light: Sorrel will do fantastic in full sun to partial shade. If your garden gets about 5 or 6 hours of direct sunlight per day, you should be just fine.
      Water: Water Sorrel when dry to the touch. Avoid over-watering.
      Soil: Sorrel likes well-drained soil of average quality.
      Use: 'Bloody Dock' can be used in cooking, just like the traditonal Sorrel. It is also a wonderful plant for the ornamental garden!

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