Borage 'Blue'

    Zones: Annual
    Exposure: Full to Part Sun
    Mature Size: 36"H x 18"S
    Bloom: Blue, Summer
    Pot Size: 3.25”
    Availability: Sold Out: Back in August
    • NON-GMO
    • Chimical free
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    • Culinary
    • Pollinator
    • Blue Borage Plants For Sale

      Borago officinalis


      Herb Growing Tips

      Light:  Full -Part Sun

      Temperature:  Annual

      Watering: In the beginning this starter plant will need regular watering BUT once established in it's new home you can allow the soil to dry out before each watering. 

      Soil: Loves well-drained soil

      Comments:  This plant is susceptible to root rot over watering can do it harm. Also this is a GREAT companion plant! Plant near your Basil's, nasturtiums and Parsley plants it will help these plants fight off any unwanted pest!

      Herb Description

      Also known as the "Herb of Gladness", this refreshing culinary herb that can add a taste of cucumber to any dish, salad or drink! Borage bears hundreds of small, star-shaped blue flowers atop thick stems suitable for cutting, which are edible. 

      Borage has a long harvest period and its seed oil is a rich source of gamma-linolenic acid. This ornamental herb is perfect for the flower garden and is a wonderful partner to any of your flowering annuals. Blue borage pairs well in the garden with many food crops, including tomatoes, berries and squash, and is said to actually improve the taste of fruits and vegetables growing nearby. Considered the "magic bullet" of companion plants, Borage repels unwanted insects, and also attracts predatory insects to keep harmful pests at bay.

      This self-seeding plant will spread easily with plenty of sun, rich soil and protection from the wind.

    • Characteristics: Borage is a highly ornamental garden herb ~ at the peak of its growth it appears to be enveloped in a blue haze of sky-blue flowers.

      Light: Borage likes full sun.

      Water: Water often as Borage prefers moist soil. Mulch well to retain moisture in the soil.

      Soil: Moist, but well-drained soil. Borage will not do well in a soggy situation.

      Use: Enhance the flavor of chilled vegetable soups with the addition of 2 tablespoons of finely minced borage. Don't forget to add a few flowers for a garnish.

    • Borage is said to make a wonderful general companion plant for most vegetable crops including, tomatoes, cucumbers, gourds. cabbage, and even strawberries. Thought of as the "magic bullet" of companion plants, it increase the health and flavor of neighboring plants while attracting beneficial predatory insects and honeybees to help police your garden from harmful pests.

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