
    Marjoram 'Sweet'

    Zones: 7-11
    Exposure: Full Sun
    Mature Size: 12"H x 18"S
    Bloom: Pink, Summer
    Pot Size: 3.25”
    Availability: Ships in 7-10 Business Days
    • NON-GMO
    • Chimical free
    • 100% Guarantee
    • Culinary
    • Medicinal
    • Deer Resistant
    • Aroma
    • Indoor
    • Sweet Marjoram Plants for Sale

      Origanum x majoricum

      'Sweet Marjoram', also known as "Knotted" Marjoram because of its knot-like buds, is an elegant and versatile culinary herb with a milder flavor than its cousin, Oregano. It has a much sweeter flavor, described as "balsam-like". An essential ingredient in your herb gardening efforts. Marjoram plants are among our most popular culinary herb plants.

      Sweet Marjoram is a key ingredient in Bouquet Garnis because it pairs well with Parsley, Thyme, Bay and Tarragon for seasoning soups and stews. When adding it to sauces or other hot dishes, wait til the last few minutes of cooking time to toss it in, or it will lose the intensity of its flavor.

      Aromatic Sweet Marjoram

      Aromatic like other plants in the Oregano family, Ancient Greeks associated sweet marjoram with the love god Aphrodite and it was used to make crowns for newlyweds to inspire love and prosperity.

    • Origanum x majoricum
      Characteristics: 'Sweet Marjoram' has small gray-felty leaves and terminal heads of white flowers. This tender perennial does wonderfully in pots on the patio that can be brought inside for the winter. Sweet Marjoram has a sweeter and milder flavor than its cousin Oregano.
      Light: Marjoram plants love full sun.
      Water: Marjoram will not tolerate constant 'wet feet.' Make sure soil is dry to the touch before you give it a thorough watering. Once established, it can withstand some drought.
      Soil: Plant your Marjoram in well-draining soil of somewhat gravely or rocky consistency.
      Use: Wonderful in Mediterranean soups, sauces, salads, and pizzas.

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