Parsley 'Curly'

    Zones: 5-9, Biennial
    Exposure: Full to Part Sun
    Mature Size: 18"H x 12"S
    Bloom: Chartreuese, Summer
    Pot Size: 3.25”
    Availability: Ships within 7-10 Business Days
    • NON-GMO
    • Chimical free
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    • Culinary
    • Medicinal
    • Aroma
    • Indoor
    • Curly Parsley Plants for Sale

      Petroselinum crispum

      Curly Parsley (Petroselinum crispum) is a staple in culinary gardens worldwide. This biennial herb is native to the Mediterranean and has been used as an ingredient for various dishes for over 2,000 years. It is also native to Morocco, Yugoslavia, and Greece and is prized for its vibrant appearance, culinary uses, and health benefits.

      Distinguished by its bright green, tightly curled leaves, Curly Parsley enhances a garden's aesthetics. When added to recipes, it adds a refreshing, mildly peppery flavor. This resilient plant thrives in full sun to partial shade, prefers well-drained soil, and is relatively easy to care for, making it an excellent choice for novice and experienced gardeners.

      Uses of Curly Parsley Plant

      Curly Parsley is a versatile herb in the kitchen. Its freshly harvested leaves make the perfect garnish for many dishes, adding color and flavor to salads, soups, and sauces.

      Beyond its culinary applications, this herb is rich in vitamins A, C, and K and contains beneficial antioxidants. It has been traditionally used to support digestion and freshen breath. Curly Parsley is a must-have herb that enriches your garden and recipes. Discover the myriad uses of this delightful plant and bring a touch of green elegance to your home.

      Curly vs. Flat Leaf Parsley

      Curly and flat-leaf parsley are also known as Italian parsley. They are the two main parsley variants commonly used in gardening and cooking. Here are the key differences between them:


      • Curly Parsley: This species features tightly curled, ruffled leaves with a frilly texture. Due to its appealing appearance, it's often used as a decorative garnish.

      • Flat-Leaf Parsley: This one, on the other hand, has flat, broad leaves similar to cilantro. It resembles regular leafy herbs and is typically considered less visually striking than curly parsley.


      • Curly Parsley: This type has a milder, less intense flavor than flat-leaf parsley. It's slightly peppery and fresh but not as robust.

      • Flat-Leaf Parsley: It is known for its stronger, more pronounced flavor. It has a peppery, slightly bitter taste that holds up well in cooking.

      Culinary Use

      • Curly Parsley: This type is often used as a garnish due to its attractive appearance. It can also be used in recipes with a milder parsley flavor.

      • Flat-Leaf Parsley: Many chefs prefer this type of parsley for cooking because of its stronger flavor, which can enhance the taste of dishes such as soups, stews, and salads.


      • Curly Parsley: It has leaves with a firmer texture, making it less suitable for specific recipes but excellent for garnishing.

      • Flat-Leaf Parsley: This one features softer and more pliable leaves, making it easier to chop and incorporate into recipes.

      While both types of parsley are versatile and nutritious, Curly Parsley is often chosen for its decorative appeal and milder flavor. Flat-leaf parsley is favored for its bolder taste and culinary versatility.

      How to Grow Curly Parsley at Home

      Like many other herbs you may have grown, this one thrives in sunny areas. It requires six to eight hours of direct sunlight each day, but it can tolerate a bit of shade in case the weather turns cooler. Researchers from the University of Minnesota Extension recommend planting this herb in well-drained soil enriched with organic matter. They also recommend growing it indoors, where it thrives best.

      Follow these steps to grow this vibrant herb in your home garden:

      1. Soil Preparation

      • Ensure your soil is well-drained and rich in organic matter.

      • Conduct a soil test to confirm a pH range of 6.0 to 7.0.

      • For garden beds, fertilize once or twice during the growing season with a 5-10-5 commercial fertilizer at a rate of three ounces per 10 feet of row.

      • For container-grown parsley, use a liquid fertilizer at half the recommended strength every three to four weeks outdoors and every four to six weeks indoors.

      2. Planting

      • Direct Seeding: This is the easiest method to start parsley. To speed up germination, soak the seeds in warm water for up to 24 hours before planting.

      • Light Requirements: Choose a sunny location with six to eight hours of direct sunlight daily. Parsley can tolerate some light shade.

      • Sowing Seeds: After the last frost, sow seeds directly in the ground, covering them with one-eighth inch of soil. Keep the soil moist and mark the rows, as germination can take two to five weeks.

      • Seedlings: Thin or transplant seedlings when they reach two to three inches in height, spacing them 10-12 inches apart.

      3. Growing Indoors

      • Containers: Use pots with drainage holes to prevent waterlogging.

      • Light: Place the pots in a bright location. Lower light levels indoors may result in spindly growth.

      • Starting Seeds: Begin seeds indoors in late winter, six to eight weeks before the last frost date.

      4. Watering

      • Water deeply at least once a week, ensuring the soil does not dry out completely between waterings.

      • Apply a light mulch of ground leaves or grass clippings to retain moisture and minimize weeds.

      5. Harvesting

      • Method: Harvest parsley by snipping off stalks close to the ground, starting with the outer stalks. This encourages continuous growth.

      • Timing: Continue harvesting fresh parsley until the plant sends up a seed stalk and completes its biennial life cycle.

      • Frost Tolerance: Parsley remains productive into fall and can withstand light frosts. Leave the plants in place after frost; depending on winter conditions, they may resprout in spring.

      • Quality: Second-year parsley may be more bitter than the previous season's harvest.

      6. Preservation

      • Fresh Parsley: Best used fresh for optimal quality.

      • Drying: Spread leaves on a screen or hang bunches upside down in a warm, well-ventilated room out of direct light. For quick drying, use a slow oven at 100-110°F for a few minutes.

      • Storing Dried Parsley: Store away from heat and light in an airtight container. Use within a year.

      • Freezing: Freeze fresh parsley in small bags for up to a year.

      You can successfully grow and enjoy Curly Parsley at home with careful planning and diligence. Use it to enhance your culinary creations and add fresh, home-grown flavor.

      High-Quality Curly Parsley Plants from Growers Exchange

      At Growers Exchange, we aim to deliver the highest Curly Parsley plants to your home. Shop for Curly Parsley from our site today. We also provide a 14-day guarantee on all purchases. You can also call 888-829-6201 to place an order or fill out our online contact form today.


    • Petroselinum crispum

      Characteristics: 'Curly' Parsley has crinkly leaves that grow in compact bunching mounds. Parsley can withstand some frost.
      Light: Plant in full sun to partial shade.
      Water: Water when dry to the touch, avoiding constant 'wet feet.'
      Soil: Plant in well-draining garden loam of average quality.
      Use: Curly, crinkly leaves make a great garnish and flavor meats, vegetables, soups, and more. Very high in vitamins A, Bs, C, niacin, calcium, and iron!
    • Parsley is a 'superfood' ~ a nutritional powerhouse that is frequently dismissed as a mere 'garnish'. Consider the fact that a 1/2 cup serving delivers five times the Recommended Daily Requirement for vitamin K, over half the daily requirement for vitamin C as well as folate, vitamin A and iron. Did we mention the phytonutrients? Get parsley into your diet!

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