Thyme 'Golden Variegated'

    Zones: 5-9
    Exposure: Full Sun
    Mature Size: 12"H x 15"S
    Bloom: Pink, Mid Summer
    Pot Size: 3.25”
    Availability: Sold Out: Spring 2025!
    • NON-GMO
    • Chimical free
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    • Culinary
    • Medicinal
    • Deer Resistant
    • Aroma
    • Pollinator
    • Indoor
    • Golden Variegated Thyme Plants For Sale

      Thymus x citriodorus 'variegata'

      Discover the versatile 'Golden Variegated' Thyme, a plant that can bring both aesthetic and culinary benefits to your garden. Its leaves have scattered yellow edges that make it an excellent ornamental herb. But that's not all! Its light lemony flavor is perfect for adding a unique twist to your summer dishes. Unlike other herbs, it won't overpower the flavor of companion herbs and spices. Add it early on when cooking hot dishes to infuse the food with a lemon flavor that will leave your guests wanting more.

      This drought-tolerant plant is more than just a pretty face. It can be used as a ground cover instead of grass, making it a low-maintenance option for your lawn. With an 18" spread, it blooms profusely and grows quickly. Cut it back to control its invasive nature and enjoy a lovely aromatic ground cover that is easy to grow.

      The 'Golden Variegated' Thyme is not just a culinary herb, but also a medicinal one. You can make a delicious tea from its leaves that can boost your immune system and provide relief for respiratory congestion and sore throats. It is high in iron and has antiseptic properties, making it a valuable addition to your garden or planter.

      Take advantage of this herb's versatility by using it as an accent plant in a container or as an under-planting to Lemon Verbena. To keep it healthy, plant it in full sun and well-drained soil. Don't miss out on the opportunity to elevate your garden and your cooking with the 'Golden Variegated' Thyme.

    • 3.25" Grower Pot
      6 - 12" High
      Full Sun
      Lavender Flower
      Culinary, Ornamental, Aromatic
      Zone: 6-11

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